78 employee result(s) for Art and Art History
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Adrienne Von LatesAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Adrienne Von LatesCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Alexander PantinLab Manager IArt and Art History
Alexander PantinCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Alexandra BerlinArt and Art History
Alexandra BerlinCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Alexandra BreauxArt and Art History
Alexandra BreauxCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Ana RosadoArt and Art History
Ana RosadoAcademic Programs Partnership
Ana RosadoInnovative Education and Student Success
Ana RosadoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Anthony CamposTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Anthony CamposCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Ariel Baron RobbinsAssistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Ariel Baron RobbinsCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Barbara WattsASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Barbara WattsCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Benjamin BellasAssociate Chair, Department of Art + Art HistoryArt and Art History
Benjamin BellasASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Benjamin BellasCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Benjamin GroffLECTURERArt and Art History
Benjamin GroffCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Bonnie Robinson-AngueiraLECTURERArt and Art History
Bonnie Robinson-AngueiraCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Carlos FueyoRESEARCH ASSOCIATEArt and Art History
Carlos FueyoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Carlos GallostraAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Carlos GallostraCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Carrington WareAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Carrington WareCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Chelsea Pena SalasArt and Art History
Chelsea Pena SalasCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Christopher RodriguezSr Coord Academic Suppt SvcsArt and Art History
Christopher RodriguezLECTURERArt and Art History
Christopher RodriguezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Daniel GuernseyASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Daniel GuernseyCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Daniel MarosiAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Daniel MarosiCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
David ChangPROFESSORArt and Art History
David ChangCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Dimitry ChamyRESEARCH ASSOCIATEArt and Art History
Dimitry ChamyCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Dylan TorresAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Dylan TorresTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Dylan TorresCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Eduardo GomezArt and Art History
Eduardo GomezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Emily BermudezArt and Art History
Emily BermudezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Emily CaglayanAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Emily CaglayanCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Emma OrtizAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Emma OrtizCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Endam Nihan TasbasiAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Endam Nihan TasbasiCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Gean MorenoAssistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Gean MorenoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Gerald ObregonAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Gerald ObregonCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Helen BurgosAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Helen BurgosCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Isabella BruArt and Art History
Isabella BruCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Isabella VivasTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Isabella VivasCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jacek KolasinskiProgram Director of the Ratcliffe Arts Design IncubatorArt and Art History
Jacek KolasinskiPROFESSORArt and Art History
Jacek KolasinskiCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jade BryantTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Jade BryantCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Janet HerbertLECTURERArt and Art History
Janet HerbertCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jennifer FordAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Jennifer FordCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jennifer PrintzMaster of Fine Arts (MFA) Graduate Program Director, Art and Digital ArtsArt and Art History
Jennifer PrintzASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Jennifer PrintzCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jessenya RodriguezArt and Art History
Jessenya RodriguezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jessica GispertASST. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Jessica GispertCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Joel HollanderAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Joel HollanderCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
John WittyLECTURERArt and Art History
John WittyCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Jonathan PerezAssistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Jonathan PerezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Juliana TrianaArt and Art History
Juliana TrianaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Karen McKinnon-LilleyAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Karen McKinnon-LilleyCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Karla MunguiaArt and Art History
Karla MunguiaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Kerry PhillipsAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Kerry PhillipsCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Kimberly "Kim" MooreAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Kimberly "Kim" MooreCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Lauren GentileAcademic Advisor IIArt and Art History
Lauren GentileCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Lidu YiASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Lidu YiCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Lizzie HunterLECTURERArt and Art History
Lizzie HunterCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Lucia MoralesArt and Art History
Lucia MoralesCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Mabel MoralesAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Mabel MoralesCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Maida PurdyAcademic Advisor IIIArt and Art History
Maida PurdyCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Margarita Salas AmaroAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Margarita Salas AmaroCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Margherita OrseroASSOC. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Margherita OrseroCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Mateo Stowe JrArt and Art History
Mateo Stowe JrCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Mauricio MartinezLECTURERArt and Art History
Mauricio MartinezCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Melina TsalikisTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Melina TsalikisAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Melina TsalikisCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Michael Garcia-AriasTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Michael Garcia-AriasCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Mona SchaffelAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Mona SchaffelCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Neil RamsayRESEARCH ASSOCIATEArt and Art History
Neil RamsayCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Nicole MirandaArt and Art History
Nicole MirandaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Nicole VegaTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Nicole VegaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Ozan AtalanAssistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Ozan AtalanCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Rhea LeonardAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Rhea LeonardCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Richard GaretAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Richard GaretCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Sandra Ramos LorenzoAssistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Sandra Ramos LorenzoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Sarai CogleArt and Art History
Sarai CogleCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Silvia EspinosaAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Silvia EspinosaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Silvia PeaseAssociate Teaching ProfessorArt and Art History
Silvia PeaseCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Sofia Valiente NoaillesDigi Photography Lab Manager 1Art and Art History
Sofia Valiente NoaillesAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Sofia Valiente NoaillesCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Theodore "Theo" RiveroTemp Administrative SupportArt and Art History
Theodore "Theo" RiveroCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Thomas SciclunaASST. PROFESSORArt and Art History
Thomas SciclunaLECTURERArt and Art History
Thomas SciclunaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Tori Arpad-CottaChair, Department of Art + Art HistoryArt and Art History
Tori Arpad-CottaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Tristan CuencaArt and Art History
Tristan CuencaCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Venessa MonokianAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Venessa MonokianCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Victoria Carballo3D/Sculp & Cer lab Manager IArt and Art History
Victoria CarballoAdjunct LecturerArt and Art History
Victoria CarballoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Victoria ColladoCoordinator Admin. ServicesArt and Art History
Victoria ColladoCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
William CharlesLECTURERArt and Art History
William CharlesCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts