227 employee result(s) for Operations and Safety
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Abigail HernandezEmergency Management
Abigail HernandezOperations and Safety
Abigail SerieuxParking and Transportation
Abigail SerieuxOperations and Safety
Adrian CaballeroOutreach CoordinatorUniversity Police
Adrian CaballeroOperations and Safety
Adrian MunozParking and Transportation
Adrian MunozOperations and Safety
Adriana ChavezParking and Transportation
Adriana ChavezOperations and Safety
Alejandro MorejonOperations and Safety
Alex CidEHS Specialist IEnvir Health and Safety
Alex CidOperations and Safety
Alexander CruzOperations and Safety
Alexis FoxCompliance AnalystUniversity Police
Alexis FoxOperations and Safety
Alexis HettingaPolice Communications OperatorUniversity Police
Alexis HettingaOperations and Safety
Alfredo Garcia SanchezParking and Transport ManagerParking and Transportation
Alfredo Garcia SanchezOperations and Safety
Ali TajaOperations and Safety
Allen LoweOperations and Safety
Amparo RodriguezCustodial Worker IParking and Transportation
Amparo RodriguezOperations and Safety
Amy AikenAsst VP Operations & SafetyEmergency Management
Amy AikenOperations and Safety
Ana LorenzoFinancial Analyst 3Emergency Management
Ana LorenzoOperations and Safety
Anabel Guzman MoralesSafety ManagerParking and Transportation
Anabel Guzman MoralesOperations and Safety
Andreina Contreras RamirezParking and Transportation
Andreina Contreras RamirezOperations and Safety
Angela RiveraEHS Specialist IIEnvir Health and Safety
Angela RiveraOperations and Safety
Angelo BarriosOperations and Safety
Annabelle ColonOperations and Safety
Anne "Annie" MullerResearch CoordinatorEnvir Health and Safety
Anne "Annie" MullerOperations and Safety
Annette FloresAsst Dir Emergency ManagementEmergency Management
Annette FloresOperations and Safety
Aqulia Clarke PooleTemp Accounting SpecialistParking and Transportation
Aqulia Clarke PooleOperations and Safety
Arianna Gonzales MontoyaParking and Transportation
Arianna Gonzales MontoyaOperations and Safety
Armando CarbonellGeneral Maint Mechanic IIParking and Transportation
Armando CarbonellOperations and Safety
Armando GarridoFire Code AdministratorEnvir Health and Safety
Armando GarridoOperations and Safety
Ashley WarnerParking and Transportation
Ashley WarnerOperations and Safety
Avid Andrade TrejoParking and Transportation
Avid Andrade TrejoOperations and Safety
Baron DaparreSpecial Events ManagerOff of Uni Protocol & Events
Baron DaparreOperations and Safety
Beatriz VillaAdministrative AssistantUniversity Police
Beatriz VillaOperations and Safety
Benjamin SanchezParking and Transportation
Benjamin SanchezOperations and Safety
Brenda DomeDir Parking & Transport SvcsParking and Transportation
Brenda DomeOperations and Safety
Brendan MonroeOperations and Safety
Briseidi Lopez MurallesTemp Accounting SpecialistParking and Transportation
Briseidi Lopez MurallesOperations and Safety
Brittany ThomasonSpecial Events ManagerOff of Uni Protocol & Events
Brittany ThomasonOperations and Safety
Cameron JonesDir Commencement CeremoniesOff of Uni Protocol & Events
Cameron JonesOperations and Safety
Camilo ValenzuelaGeneral Maint Mechanic IIIParking and Transportation
Camilo ValenzuelaOperations and Safety
Candice BlanfortAssistant Teaching ProfessorCriminology and Crimi Justice
Candice BlanfortLECTURERCPHSW Disaster Preparedness
Candice BlanfortOperations and Safety
Candice BlanfortSchool of International and Public Affairs
Carlos Martinez MolinaTemp Parking Transport AideParking and Transportation
Carlos Martinez MolinaOperations and Safety
Carlos PlanchartParking Transportation AideParking and Transportation
Carlos PlanchartOperations and Safety
Carolina Silverio SalgadoParking and Transportation
Carolina Silverio SalgadoOperations and Safety
Christina PerezSr Police Communications OperUniversity Police
Christina PerezOperations and Safety
Christopher LittleParking and Transportation
Christopher LittleOperations and Safety
Christopher SotoOperations and Safety
Connie CaldwellSustainability ManagerOffice of Sustainability
Connie CaldwellOperations and Safety
Cristian BigotesParking and Transportation
Cristian BigotesOperations and Safety
Cristian PerezOperations and Safety
Daisy FernandezOperations and Safety
Dante GonzalezParking and Transportation
Dante GonzalezOperations and Safety
Darel Ponce FernandezOperations and Safety
Darron WheelerEHS Specialist IEnvir Health and Safety
Darron WheelerOperations and Safety
David MarinParking Transportation AideParking and Transportation
David MarinOperations and Safety
David PatinoParking and Transportation
David PatinoOperations and Safety
Deanna SydnorPolice Communications ManagerUniversity Police
Deanna SydnorOperations and Safety
Denisse CapdevilaParking and Transportation
Denisse CapdevilaOperations and Safety
Dennis GalloOperations and Safety
Diana DupelordEnvir Health and Safety
Diana DupelordOperations and Safety
Douglas SykesOperations and Safety
Eduardo Maqueda-CorderoParking and Transportation
Eduardo Maqueda-CorderoOperations and Safety
Elva GomezOperations and Safety
Emilio AreasTemp Parking Transport AideParking and Transportation
Emilio AreasOperations and Safety
Enrique Badia SosaAsst Dir Env Health and SafetyEnvir Health and Safety
Enrique Badia SosaOperations and Safety
Ernesto Valladares QuintanaGeneral Maint Mechanic IIIParking and Transportation
Ernesto Valladares QuintanaOperations and Safety
Eva PrattEnvir Health and Safety
Eva PrattOperations and Safety
Federico GiojaParking and Transportation
Federico GiojaOperations and Safety
Felipe DaitschmanParking and Transportation
Felipe DaitschmanOperations and Safety
Felisha McKnightOperations and Safety
Fernando VasquezParking Transportation AideParking and Transportation
Fernando VasquezOperations and Safety
Franceska "Franchie" GedeonParking and Transport ManagerParking and Transportation
Franceska "Franchie" GedeonOperations and Safety
Francisco GamundiOperations and Safety
Frank GuerraOperations and Safety
Frank SydnorOperations and Safety
Gabriel ArceOperations and Safety
Geikel Cabrera DiazGeneral Maint Mechanic IIIParking and Transportation
Geikel Cabrera DiazOperations and Safety
George GuzmanOperations and Safety
Gina Gallian OubrarAsst Dir Env Health and SafetyEnvir Health and Safety
Gina Gallian OubrarOperations and Safety
Gretchen GaratePolice Communications OperatorUniversity Police
Gretchen GarateOperations and Safety
Grissel CooperOperations and Safety
Gustavo WongOperations and Safety
Hafida AssifOffice SpecialistEnvir Health and Safety
Hafida AssifOperations and Safety
Harold JonesOperations and Safety
Hector GutierrezOperations and Safety
Hector PiedraOperations and Safety
Humberto "Bert" PerezTemp Law Enforcement OfficerUniversity Police
Humberto "Bert" PerezOperations and Safety
Isabella ChirinoCoordinator Admin. ServicesOff of Uni Protocol & Events
Isabella ChirinoOperations and Safety
Isabella ParedesPolice Communications OperatorUniversity Police
Isabella ParedesOperations and Safety
Isis ColonPolice Communications OperatorUniversity Police
Isis ColonOperations and Safety
Israel LopezCustodial Worker IIParking and Transportation
Israel LopezOperations and Safety
Ivan CruzOperations and Safety
Jaime CuetoPolice Communications OperatorUniversity Police
Jaime CuetoOperations and Safety
James MesidorOperations and Safety
Janya ManuelParking and Transportation
Janya ManuelOperations and Safety
Jason LashbrookOperations and Safety
Javier MarquesSchool of International and Public Affairs
Javier MarquesOperations and Safety
Jay GrossmanOperations and Safety
Jazsmin TaylorTemp Program AssistantParking and Transportation
Jazsmin TaylorOperations and Safety
Jehnny RiveraExec Dir Ceremonies & EventsOff of Uni Protocol & Events
Jehnny RiveraOperations and Safety
Jeremy TaylorTemp Administrative SupportParking and Transportation
Jeremy TaylorOperations and Safety
Joann BrownTeaching ProfessorCommunication
Joann BrownTeaching ProfessorCPHSW Disaster Preparedness
Joann BrownOperations and Safety
Joann BrownCollege of Communication, Architecture and the Arts